these two are from the verner Panton exhibition.
Phantasy Landscape by Verner Panton. This place is amazing, its like this cave system with multicoloured fabrics and the colours are just so wonderful. They let you step into it with plastic around your feet, so I climbed onto the highest curves and slept there for 10 minutes.
And yes, my camera screwed the colours up. They didn't allow us to take photos in there either so this was taken from the outside.
Christian Lacroix exhibition. He does stage costumes and all those.
I thought this guy looked cool sitting on the chairs so I snapped a photo of him, pity its abit blur :/
one of his sketches, I like the one on the right. Didn't post the others cause I forgot to turn macro on. D:
Next up was Singapore art museum, just one of the shadow photos I took when I was bored cause I didn't like the exhibition and my mom was walking around.
spoiler bag.
Oh, I found a GIGANTIC strawberrry the other day.
5 cm diameter, 7 cm height.
and it makes a heart shape when you bite into it! :D
Alright, I'm gonna entertain myself with some friends and more videos.
Adam Lambert - Cryin' by Aerosmith.
You should seriously listen to Mad World again :D
peixuan: eh heh so nice you get to go to japan! haha. hope it doesnt get canceled man. you know the chiang rai trip and sec 2 immersion programme got canceled! =X sad eh. haha. and the tiramisu looks nice!
peixuan: i also want to eat it! heh.

{YEAH hope it won't get canceled! D: ah that's so sad for the sec 2 batch! YUP it is VERY NICE! :D maybe I'll give you some the next time my bro makes them again ^_^ I want cupcakes! :D}
ray: hey IM HERE HAHA.
{HI RAY thought you disappeared haha! :P}
sihui: hey emma.! waha this is like omg so darrn late but, CONGRATS FOR MAKING IT TO JAPAN.!:D haha xD have fun there okays.!

{hey sihui! its okay THANKYOU! =D Yup I'll be sure to have loads of fun there doesn't this remind you of last year lol! and I like your cute drawings hahah!}
sarah!: HI EMMA. how come i can only see the vids only? Other than that are just large blank white spaces in between.
{HI SARAH! think my blog can only be viewed on firefox D: something wrong with the skin zz well anyway "LOL HI SARAH" was at the end of my post! =D}
nathanael: helloooo! link me up! =D haha
{HI NATHANAEL! =D okay I've linked you! ^_^ seeyou on friday!}
jeslin:): hello stalker!! Im gonna have to ask you to pay me millions for taking so many photos of me at palau semakau...
{HI PERSON I LIKE TO STALK!! ohmy I think I'll post the rest on facebook soon and that's alot alot alot of them! :P send me the photos soon k! =D}
peixuan: haha. nice quotes mama! =D and my holiday is zooming past so quickly man. =X
{haha yeah! :D and your camp is coming up! HAVE FUN THERE K!! hope to seeyou soon. at least I get to talk to you online almost everyday haha. AND WE WENT OUT YESTERDAY YAY!}
Kenneth: He totally owned Kris hahaha. RAWR. Kris still won.

{like come on he OWNED Kris in all aspects! =D yay for adam lambert song spam!!}
anna: EWW I HATED THAT SONG! e black eyed peas one
{HI ANNA. I decided I like adam lambert MUCH MORE so I'm not hooked onto your eww song anymore hahah =D}
gtgw: helloooooooooo
{HI godwinnythepooh!}
anna: yeah he's cute! hahahah

{and his voice!!!! Gosh I haven't talked to you or seen you in a long, long, long, long time! D:}
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